Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Japan: More women seeking marriage after twin calamities

The stricken TEPCO Fukushima daiichi No.1 nuclear power plant in Fukushima prefecture
Like in many modern countries, Japanese women focus on their careers and marry late. The 11 March Great East Japan Earthquake that plagued the country may have been a wake up call to many singles particularly women.
They came to reflect and think about their life and future.

Arizona baby who grew outside the uterus delivered safely

This is Medicine's first.

A 27-year-old woman from Arizona gave birth to a 1,143-gram (2-pound-14-ounce) baby boy at 32 weeks gestational age last Monday at the Maternal Fetal Medicine Center at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center.
What is so special about this case other than the baby being born prematurely?
Well, the fetus developed outside his mother's womb.