Thursday, November 25, 2010

UN recommends sexuality education as early as age 5

In an earlier, I reported that Malaysia will start its sexuality education program to 6-year-old kids by next year.
In other countries children start learning about sexuality education at different ages: 4 (Australia), 8-9 (Japan), 11 (Peru), 12 (China) and 14-15 (Finland, Norway).
Other countries have still not yet decided whether to start teaching the matter to kids. India banned the program saying it would corrupt the young.
In the Philippines, pilot schools have started the program for kids age 5, amid much objections.
The UN recommends that children beginning at age 5 receive mandatory sexuality education.
The UNESCO offers a universal lesson plan for kids 5-18 years of age for an informed approach to effective sex, relationships and HIV education.
Here are some common concerns over about the provision of sexuality education and how the UN responds to them.
1. Sexuality education leads to early sex.
UN: Research shows that rather than leading to early sexual initiation, sexuality education leads to later and more responsible sexual behavior.
2. Sexuality education deprives children of their "innocence".
UN: Good quality sexuality education balances the information through the provision of correct information and an emphasis on values.
3. Sexuality education is against our culture or religion.
UN: The International Guidelines are built upon the principle of being culturally relevant as well as respect for culture and values, which has to be balanced with the needs of young people.
Click here to download the UN's 98-page International Guidelines on Sexuality Education.
Enjoy the clipped Youtube video below.

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