Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Panda porn: Increasing male libido for survival of the species

With only 1,600 pandas remaining in the wild and 294 in captivity, the population of these lovable mammals is shrinking.
If no intervention were done, time will come that we will see these animals only in pictures and videos.
That is why scientists have devised ways on how to enhance their reproduction.
Male pandas are known to have very low sex drives. They would rather eat than copulate. Pandas are also extremely picky when choosing mates.
Well, scientists say this is bad for the survival of the species that is why they devised ways to increase the chances of mating.
Panda porn! Ehem.
Chinese researchers have begun showing captured male pandas videos of pandas mating to enhance their sex drive.
Researchers are also studying other fertility practices like a workout routine for the male pandas to boost the strength and stamina of their hind legs. For the young male pandas, they also encourage threesomes with older pandas to make the young get interested in sex at an early age.
Bonnie Purdue of Georgia Tech studying pandas said, "One of the challenges facing institutions around the world [is] to have pandas breed naturally. By using chemical olfaction, putting the scents of pandas in the other enclosures so that they can smell other pandas, providing visual access leading up to the breeding season so that they can see other pandas and also playing vocal recordings and sounds of pandas to try to stimulate breeding. So all these efforts are taking place right now in hopes of establishing a self-sustaining captive population."
According to researchers, with the panda porn, 60% of male pandas in captivity can now have sex on their own compared to 25% twenty years ago.
Author's note: I am not sure if this will anger animal lovers. But if scientists won't encourage panda mating, you won't have any pandas to love.
Visit this link for more details.

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